Super Gifts Aimed at Your Specific Interest! shirts,mugs,aprons,wall clocks,mouse pads,posters,hoodies,ornaments,calanders,ledgers,postcards,etc. (check the photos below)
There is a different whimsical orange horse for every interest, sport, or occupation (check back often to see new ones added)
Orange Horse is a whimsical creature with simple needs.
The ideal being to survive in this hectic world.
There are seldom more than one or two needs…… which makes life a whole lot easier.
Green grass is a simple need and sometimes there will be one more such as : “whatever the current interest may be ”.
If you feel stressed simply think, “ what would orange horse say at a time like this?
If you need a smile simply look at an orange horse.
If you’d like to give someone else a smile, simply wear an orange horse.
If you’d really like to give someone a large smile, give them an orange horse!
CLICK Here to view all orangehorses or click on the text below to see available products for each picture
Suggestions: Tell us what hobby, sport, or occupation you would like to see performed by an orangehorse ...... drop us a line :
copyright 2007 all rights reserved unauthorized copying or use of all or any material strictly prohibited.,P.O. Box 201,Hadley,MA 01035